Kade (sci-fi romance - The Ember Quest Book 2) Page 8
“Then stay,” said Annie. “Find out more about what we do. Learn the truth for yourself. And we’ll see if we can get your name cleared.”
A sliver of hope ran through Honor. “You can do that?”
“No promises,” said Annie. “But as you know, Kade is a genius when it comes to tech stuff. And we’ve got people with skills here. If we can find you a way out, then we will.”
“And if you can’t?”
“Then you stay as long as you need,” said Annie, as she stood. “While you’ve got time to kill, you might like to work off some of your stress.”
“I’m not stressed.”
“You haven’t stopped tapping your fingers on the table since you sat down,” said Annie. “Come on, you can borrow my workout gear. Sometimes there’s not much to do here other than eat or work.”
“Sounds like my old life.”
“Or there’s always a willing body to help you blow off steam if you want to burn off your tension another way.” Annie winked at her. “Being stuck underground with no reality TV shows to lose yourself in makes people get inventive with their down time.”
Honor stared at Annie. “You mean, go have a one-night stand?”
“Standing, lying down, in the shower, whatever you like. And Kade might help you out with that as well, when he calms down.”
Honor’s mouth fell open but then she snapped it shut. She could get used to being around Annie. The woman had a sense of humor. “For now, a workout would be great. Lead the way.”
Honor followed Annie back to her quarters. The room was larger than the one she’d been in the previous night, with a double bed stuffed into one corner and a small kitchenette in the other. The small, dark-blue couch was scattered with sketches of wedding dresses.
Honor picked up a couple of the designs. “These yours?”
Annie grabbed them from her hand and blushed. “We’re just talking. But it would be nice to make things permanent. I keep telling Heath it’s too soon. But he said it’s important to remember the fun stuff, the stuff that makes life worth fighting for.”
“Must be serious between you if you’re thinking floating white dresses and first-dance music.”
“Never been more serious in my life.” Annie handed Honor some workout pants and a sports bra. “Let’s go.” She led Honor along another corridor and pushed open double doors to reveal a gym, complete with several workout machines, free weights, and exercise mats.
“You can get changed at the back.” Annie pointed to a small door at the back of the room.
“You’re not joining me?”
“Things to do, folders to look through.” Annie raised her hand as she stepped back. “I’ll catch up with you later, though, if you’re still here. And I hope you are, it will be good to have someone new around.” She turned and bounded away, the door shutting behind her.
Honor walked over to the changing room and shrugged out of her clothes before pulling on Annie’s workout gear. It was a little snug, and her chest almost spilled out of the top, but everything mostly felt secure.
Two guys were working out in the free weights area, and they nodded her a hello. She stretched and then used the bike as a warmup. She shifted over to the weights and completed three sets of curls and lifts before working on some deep squats.
Honor spotted a punching bag in the corner and grinned. That was just what she needed to let off steam. She could imagine it was Kade repeating his harsh words from last night.
She did a few kicks and punches before getting into a rhythm, her focus on the bag, shutting out concerns about Kade, Intergen, and what the hell she was going to do next. Her life had been so perfectly mapped out; a change of company in two years, and then she’d develop her freelance portfolio, become her own boss, only working with the clients she wanted to. No more office politics for her. She even had a dream of buying a winter holiday home and vanishing for three months every year to trek through wild countryside and get close to nature. Twenty-four hours ago, she’d known without a doubt where she was heading, and now she stared into a black hole, not having a clue what would happen next.
She grimaced and wiped the sweat off her brow, before turning to look for a towel.
Kade stood in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest and an intense look in his eyes.
Honor took a step back. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I always come for a workout at this time,” said Kade. “May I join you?”
“Do you spar?”
Kade’s eyebrows shot up. “Think you can handle me?”
Honor’s lips pinched together. “Bring it on.”
Chapter 8
Kade kept his back to Honor as he shrugged out of his shirt. He wore sweatpants, which didn’t really conceal the hardness in his shorts. He’d been watching Honor for several minutes as she’d taken her frustrations out on the bag, seeing how her muscles bunched and contracted, her full breasts barely tucked into her exercise gear. Tendrils of hair were curled damply against her neck, and he suddenly wanted to taste the salt on her, trail his tongue across her skin and hear her gasp in pleasure.
He shook his head and took a few deep breaths. She wouldn’t want anything to do with him after their argument. He was feeling this way because it had been so long since he’d been with a woman. He needed to fix that, make sure he didn’t do anything else to make Honor uncomfortable. Like grabbing her and kissing her. Or fantasizing about licking the sweat off her skin, stripping her out of her workout gear and taking her on the floor right there.
Adjusting his sweatpants, Kade turned. His breath caught as Honor’s gaze trailed down his bare chest and a slow smile spread across her face. She was something else. Even in someone else’s workout gear, and having had hardly any sleep, she was stunning and sexy as hell.
She beckoned him forward with a wave of her fingers. “Ready when you are.” Her voice was low and throaty as she danced a couple of steps toward him.
Kade moved across the mat as if drawn to her body heat. He got within striking range and dipped his knees. “Any particular style?”
“Anything other than biting and gouging are fine by me,” said Honor. “And I’ll go easy on you, since you’re injured.” Her gaze went to the bandage on his arm where the laser had struck.
“Sounds like fair rules.” Kade watched as Honor tested the distance between them, throwing out a few punches and kicks. She knew what she was doing, and he could see by the way she balanced herself that she’d sparred before. “You’re trained in martial arts?”
“Nothing that fancy,” said Honor. “But my sister insisted I know how to take care of myself. She dragged me to self-defense classes for two years and we learned a whole mix of skills. And in that training arena, you’re allowed to gouge and bite if it gets you out of a nasty situation.”
“I endorse both things if it means you stay safe.” Kade threw a punch, but Honor blocked it.
“No need to hold back,” said Honor, as she danced on her toes. “I’ve been told I’ve got too much energy. You might as well make use of it or I’ll only be annoying you later.”
Kade knew exactly what he wanted to do with Honor’s excess energy. He stamped on the thought as soon as it started, refusing to get distracted by her bouncing chest and sweat-slicked skin. He tried a combination of punches, and she blocked them all. Kade held back his power. Having been trained in the Army’s reconnaissance regiment, he could kill an attacker with a single punch.
“You’re not even trying,” said Honor. “Worried you’ll get beaten by a woman?”
Kade flipped his leg out and tossed Honor onto her back, landing with his hands either side of her shoulders. She wrapped her legs around his waist and flipped him over before jumping to her feet.
Kade blinked up at her. “You’ve got moves.”
“So have you.” Honor grinned at him. “Show me more.”
Twenty minutes later, Honor and Kade were panting and soaked in sweat, but neither was willing to give up.<
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“We can call a truce,” gasped Kade, the laser wound on his arm burning every time he used his muscles.
Honor landed a hard punch on his left arm. “I’m not done yet.”
Kade knocked Honor off her feet again, but she flipped back up and slammed a painful kick to his thigh. That would leave a bruise, but he didn’t mind. It would be a reminder of her, a reminder of all the times he’d landed on top of Honor and felt her damp skin against his and had to resist the urge to run his hands down her body.
“Are you quitting?” Honor swiped a hand across her forehead. “Did I beat you?”
“Not a chance.” Kade launched himself at Honor, using a combination of punches to back her toward the wall. He stepped forward and pressed their hips together, pinning her to him.
Honor tipped her head back, desire and surprise flaring in her eyes. “This is unfair.”
“It isn’t if it gets you to stop punching me.” Kade’s hands slid down her arms.
Honor’s tongue flicked across her lips. “Guess they don’t teach you about personal boundaries down here.”
Kade watched as sweat trickled down Honor’s cheek and pressed his lips to it, sucking in the salty taste. “You have no idea.”
She inhaled shakily. “They don’t teach that in self-defense class.”
“It’s my secret weapon.” Kade was lost in Honor’s scent. His tongue trailed down her jaw and he licked the sweat from her skin. She tasted hot, sweet and spicy.
Honor moaned quietly, and Kade ground himself into her. His mouth met hers and heat washed over him as her lips parted and their tongues met.
Honor raised her hands and ran them over Kade’s chest. She stroked over his back and shoulders before her nails glided across his chest.
“We should go somewhere and continue this conversation in private.” Kade glanced over his shoulder, where the guys who’d been working out with the weights now sat watching, wide grins on their faces.
“Agreed,” said Honor. “Your place or mine?”
HONOR BLINKED A FEW times, still stunned by what was happening. Kade was a different man today, no longer telling her she was making a mistake. And he was as hot as hell. She loved this new side of him and was desperate to learn more. And feel more. She wanted to explore every sweaty inch of Kade.
“My room is closer.” Kade grabbed Honor’s hand and pulled her toward the door.
She nodded as her lustful gaze traveled down Kade’s stomach. She slowed and stroked the green-and-black dragon tattoo peeking out the top of his sweatpants. “I didn’t know you had ink.” Her fingers traced over it several times.
Kade’s smile faded. “I got it after I remembered. A permanent stamp so I’d never forget the truth.”
Honor pressed her lips together. “Not now. Let’s not talk about the ridiculous dragon thing.”
Kade’s shoulders slumped. “Of course. You think they’re ridiculous.”
“I love your tattoo.” Honor’s fingers slid off Kade’s skin. “But yes, I do.”
“Sure, you do.” Kade dropped his hold on Honor’s hand and stepped away. He rubbed his eyes and looked around the gym. “Maybe you can get one of your own when you come to your senses.”
“I’ve got enough sense already.” A flash of annoyance rippled through her, and she folded her arms over her chest.
Kade raised his hands, his gaze tripping to her chest before looking away. “We’re just going to have to agree to disagree.”
Honor wrinkled her nose but then nodded as a shiver of disappointment traced down her spine and cooled her desire. Kade was so entrenched in this weird underground world. She didn’t have a hope of making him realize how utterly stupid it was. The best thing she could do was stop fighting and get on with her life alone, wherever that was heading, and with whatever the State would try to do to her.
“Let’s call this fight a draw,” said Kade.
“I think you beat me using underhanded tactics.”
“You said anything was on the table.” Kade shrugged. “Guess we need better ground rules.”
Honor gave him a small smile. If only he wasn’t a dragon nut, things would be different. “I didn’t mean to get angry with you last night. Being here is all a bit, well, odd. But if you don’t want me here, I’ll understand.”
“I want you.” Color flushed on Kade’s cheeks. “I want you to stay. I could do with the help. The codes are killing me.”
Honor grinned, glad they’d found some common ground, away from dragons. “I’d like to help.”
The hardness around Kade’s eyes vanished. “It would be great to have you here. There’s so much to do and only a few people can handle the systems.”
“Well, you’ve got a genius on hand, if you need one.” She instantly winced, realizing how arrogant and geeky that sounded. “Not that you aren’t smart yourself.”
Kade smiled and his shoulders eased down. He walked to the dressing room and returned with two clean towels, tossing one to Honor. “I know you’re the smartest person in the room. You’re probably the smartest person within a five-hundred-mile radius of this base. I like that about you.”
Honor hid her blush behind the towel as she wiped sweat from her face. “The next time we spar, you have to show me how you do those leg flips.”
“I’d be happy to spar with you any time.”
The door to the workout room opened, and Honor turned to see two tall, dark-haired guys stroll in, dressed in workout clothes. She recognized one of them as Tobias.
“It’s his fault we’re late.” Tobias flipped his thumb at the other guy. “Had trouble getting rid of his latest conquest.”
“What can I say, the women love me.”
Honor was dazzled by the guy’s smile. He looked like he was straight out of a modeling photo shoot, even in gray sweatpants and a faded black hoodie.
Kade shook his head. “Honor, you haven’t met Lincoln yet.”
Lincoln draped an arm over Tobias’s shoulders. “Lovely to make your acquaintance. Tobias mentioned you were here, and that my brother snuck you in without permission.” He grinned at Kade.
“I’m glad he did.”
“Looks like he is too.” Lincoln’s grin broadened.
Honor noticed the glare Kade shot Lincoln. “Are you usually based here, too?”
“I am. Unlike our little brother, here,” said Lincoln. “He hates the dark, and never comes to visit. Anyone would think he doesn’t like us.”
Tobias grimaced and shrugged Lincoln’s arm off. “I visit. I just get busy.”
“Tobias searches for new bunkers we can use,” said Kade. “Our numbers are growing, so we need extra space.”
Tobias nodded, scratching his fingers through his short, dark hair. “Keeps me busy.”
“And aboveground,” said Lincoln. “Catch any bad guys when you were up there?”
Tobias grinned. “They didn’t stand a chance.”
Honor smiled at them both, seeing how close the brothers were. An image of Isla passed through her head. “Kade’s been showing me some of his moves.”
“I bet he has.” Lincoln’s gaze dropped to Honor’s lips, and she resisted the urge to cover them with the towel she held, knowing how swollen they’d be after kissing Kade.
“We were just leaving,” growled Kade.
“Don’t mind us,” said Tobias. “But I thought we were going to spar?”
“I beat you to it,” said Honor.
“Don’t blame you for picking her over us,” said Tobias, shooting Kade a wicked smile. “Getting in a headlock with either of these guys is never a fun experience.” He leaned closer to Honor. “Don’t think either of them has heard of deodorant.”
Lincoln grabbed Tobias around the neck and dragged him to the sparring mats. “That comment deserves punishment.”
Honor watched as the brothers joked around with each other, Tobias easily getting out of the headlock and launching a volley of blows on Lincoln’s chest.
es they act like adults,” said Kade in her ear. “But this is normal behavior.”
“They seem fun.”
Lincoln looked over as he ducked a punch from Tobias and shoved him away. “Heath was looking for you. He needs you to map an area and plot the sites for dragon remains.”
“Has Hive Two sent through the information I requested?” Kade slung his towel over one shoulder.
“That’s what Heath was looking at,” said Lincoln, as he blocked another blow from Tobias. “They need you to analyze the rough data and see where the next hotspot will be.”
“Hotspot?” Honor took a step toward Kade, her eyes bright. “Can I help with that?”
Kade’s eyebrows quirked up. “Thought you didn’t believe in this dragon rubbish?”
“Well, I don’t,” said Honor. “But if you need help with coding or codebreaking, I can do that. Maybe show you where you’re going wrong. Disprove all this dragon mania.”
“You don’t turn down an offer like that.” Tobias grinned at Kade and then let out a yelp as Lincoln knocked him onto his back.
Honor placed a hand on Kade’s arm. “I do want to help. Show me what I can do.”
Kade gave a nod as his hand covered hers, and Honor felt a spiral of pleasure shoot through her. “Come with me.”
Chapter 9
Kade had left Honor to take a quick shower and change before he showed her the dragon data.
He should have been concentrating on getting the information Heath had requested, but his thoughts kept slipping to Honor and their gym session. He hadn’t meant to touch her, and he sure as hell hadn’t meant to back her against a wall and shove his tongue into her mouth. But seeing her sweaty, hot, and excited had released something in him, and he hadn’t been able to stop himself.
As he bathed, his soapy hands slid down his chest and cradled his shaft. Dammit if he wasn’t hard again. What was this woman doing to him? He’d never felt like this before and needed to find release—and fast. Kade leaned against the wall and considered using his hand, but now wasn’t the right moment. He wanted to take his time over his fantasies with Honor. A quick hand job in the shower wouldn’t relieve him of the tension he felt inside. Only having Honor naked beneath him would do that.